Brexit, Demystified.

– JATIN NAYAK These past few weeks have been quite tumultuous in terms of world affairs. Coupled with Game of Thrones, Britain’s exit from the European Union or the rather sexier sounding “Brexit” has captured people’s imaginations. Just as Jamie Lannister threatens Walder Frey of breaking off their ill-formed alliance, Britain has finally decided to leave behind its…

A Lesson In The Art Of Cat-Wooing

Jatin Nayak Joint Convener, ISTE NITK, 2017-18 As our eyes met across the hall, both of us could sense a buzz in the air. I paid her no further attention.Years of experience had taught me that the ideal strategy in these situations was to play hard to get.


– Vaishnavi Chauhan 1. It was the summer vacation after grade 7. My siblings and I were regulars at the swimming pool. One of our neighbors, a senior scientist at CFTRI, a CSIR lab, told my parents this: “She’s growing tall really fast, are you sure about sending her to the pool? It’ll only worsen her growth…